Śnieżka’s debut in EcoVadis was rated gold
Fabryka Farb i Lakierów Śnieżka SA was assessed for its activities in the area of sustainable development by EcoVadis - the world's largest provider of business sustainability ratings. As a result of an independent assessment, Śnieżka was awarded the EcoVadis Gold Medal, which places it among the top 5% of certified companies.
Companies are assessed by EcoVadis based on dozens of indicators in four categories: human and labour rights, environment, ethics and sustainable procurement, and each answer is subject to verification. Śnieżka, making its debut in the ranking, obtained a total score of 70 out of 100 points. Such a high score places it among the best in the industry, for which the average is 47 points.
This is our first assessment, which is why we particularly take pride in such a successful debut and the gold medal awarded by EcoVadis. It also proves that owing to Śnieżka's Sustainable Development Strategy 2023+, we have given our ESG activities the right direction. By achieving the set goals, not only do we confirm that we are a liable company, but we also provide benefits to the environment and our customers.
EcoVadis – the world’s largest provider of business sustainability ratings – applies assessment and analysis tools supported by a technology platform and a global team of experts specialized in ESG issues. The methodology and underlying data cover over 200 economic sectors from over 175 countries. As yet, EcoVadis has assessed over 115,000 companies and organizations around the world.
– Śnieżka’s high performance, apart from the Sustainable Development Strategy announced this year, was also influenced by our activities in measuring the carbon footprint. Activities in the area of procurement turned out to be equally important, including: implementation of the Supplier Code of Conduct and supplier self-assessment. EcoVadis expects continuous improvement from companies, which denotes that maintaining our position in the ranking will require us to take further actions in the area of sustainable development, which is our objective for years to come – concluded the President of Śnieżka.
EcoVadis assessment criteria are based on international sustainable development standards, including: GRI guidelines for reporting sustainable development for companies, the ISO 26000 standard and the UN Global Compact principles. The platform not only assesses the operational activities of companies in terms of sustainable development, but also conducts activities to reduce risk and support innovation.